My Labor Trial - Part 1

Sunday, August 23, 2015

So I was past my due date and tired of waiting. The baby apparently was in no hurry to come and how true this was going to be in a few hours time.
I woke up very cranky on 6th morning and in the same mood left for my check up. Like the last time I expected to be told..all is well..come back on 8th. My NST was done and it was fine. I told that my usually super active baby was only a tab bit low on activity today. To my surprise, she said okay..since u r already late, lets get you admitted and induce!!
I was NOT prepared for this! So I was given 2 tablets to have and another one pushed down below! I was propped up in the labor room. I was scared and did not know how to react and what to expect. V was there to calm me down. We were waiting for the contractions to start and also for a room to be allotted. V informed at home and the wait began. This was on 6th May noon.
I was transferred to our room and I felt mild pain across the lower abdomen. By 4 I had no contractions, so another tablet was pushed in. I was also given an injection via IV dextrose drip and we waited.
Then I had to encounter what can be called as the worst pain I have ever felt. Pelvic Examination! I was not aware of it..the pain it would cause. The dilation of cervix is checked by the doctor - by fingers and its very very painful.
My doctor apologized for the pain and said..the progress is very slow!
...part 2