I had thought of maintaining this blog like a journal, but look where I am :-( So the plan right now is to add a short entry every other day or at least weekly. I shall be writing about the period from labor to completion of 4 months, whenever I feel like or remember :P
On Monday, we celebrated 4 month birthday and it got me very emotional. I had this over whelming surge of emotions that my baby is growing up too fast!
Some milestones we achieved:
6th Sep: Grabbed a moving toy!! Yay!!
7th Sep: 4 months old today...and noticed that he has feet!! Tried to hold them, successful in third attempt!
8th Sep: Started screeching.Ouch! We and V were wondering how to get him to stop. He screeched so much that it must have hurt his throat and started coughing. When we spoke to him, he stopped, smiled and resumed! So thats going to go on for a while I guess.
Until the next post....we will keep screeching and smiling :D
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