Babymoon - Goa!

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

 V makes an annual trip to Goa without fail. 2013 that trip turned out to be his own Wedding! I had not been to Goa for enjoying the beaches ever. It was a place where relatives lived, we visited. One sightseeing trip in 2007, thats about it.

So January 2015, my 23rd week we went to Goa with his friends. My Babymoon!! I find the term quite cute. But its like saying, enjoy your life before the baby comes, you wont be able to later :P. None of the friends on the trip knew about my pregnancy and it was quite a pleasant surprise for them.

It was 2 and half days of beaches, lazying around and food! Booze was around, but not for me, not that I like it so much. I had read up about alcohol intake during pregnancy. So I had a few sips of Bacardi Breezer - Jamaican Passion! Ahhh...bliss. I simply love the way it tastes, super refreshing. If there is a non-alcoholic drink available in that flavour, am sure gonna stock it up.

I am sure the above paragraph is going to raise some eyebrows. We had a lovely time at the beach, fun in the water and waves. It just did not occur to me to have some Pregnancy Photoshoot like pics to be taken. Regret it so much now. Just have one classic silhouette picture of me and one more of me and V.
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I am glad we went on this trip and how it turned out to be my Babymoon

Anomaly Scan

An Anomaly Scan is usually done after 20 weeks and involves a detailed Ultrasound to check the fetal parameters closely. I got mine done at 20 weeks and 2 days. Since the radiologist has to look at a lot of parameters, it takes around 20-25 minutes for the scan.

The scan can be quite harrowing for the mother, if the person performing the scan is quiet throughout the scan. I wasn't happy because they did not allow V inside to view. It was upsetting that he did not get to see the images. The radiologist checked for quite some time and then turned the screen towards me.

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I 'saw' my baby!!! I was shown each and every body part - the face, the bladder cavity, the limbs, the spine, ribs and my baby's heart! I cannot forget how distinct the spine was. I could see the baby moving continuously on the screen though couldn't feel it. All through out, I felt terrible that V was just outside the curtain and was missing out on all this.

Some of the parameters that are described in the report are:

BPD - Biparietal Diameter
HC - Head Circumference
AC - Abdominal circumference
FL - Femur Length
EFBW - Estimated Fetal Body Weight

All these parameters fall under Fetal Biometry. The other body parts checked are Head, Spine, Abdomen, Heart, Chest, Face and Limbs.

Since I am from India, the gender of the baby is not revealed. Else, the gender is disclosed during this scan. I am made to sign at least 4-5 pages declaring that the gender has not been revealed, at every ultrasound!

First Baby Movement!!!!!!!!!!

Feeling your baby move is one of the most incredible feelings ever. I had been told this by many friends. I could not wait to experience it. I had checked online and found that it can happen anytime between 18-22 weeks, especially if it is a Primi or first pregnany.

I had completed 19 weeks and there was no movement whatsoever. One night, I just expressed this feeling to V. And as is usual for me, while speaking about it, I ended up getting too emotional and shed a few tears. Thats all that V needed to get angry. He scolded me for reading too much and then went on to say how each pregnancy is different etc.....(he reads up too ;-), mostly to ensure that I dont get hyper or paranoid over something :-P)

Anyway, the next day, the very next day - Baby moved!!! It was 9th Dec 2014. I did not want to jump in joy the very first time I felt it. What if it was nothing but something gastric :-/ But it happened again and was quite distinct. As described by most women, it is something like bubbles bursting. But feels like heaven!!

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V got a chance to say - I told u so, it would happen when it has to. I simply told him, baby got mad at him for scolding me and hence moved :-D

The movements werent strong enough for V to feel them. But he felt it on 22nd Dec :D

Morning Sickness continues..Trimester 2!

I was in the best phase of pregnancy - the second trimester. Usually the morning sickness subsides and women start enjoying the changes happening.
If the time till now was bad it started getting worse. By week 13 I was vomiting.  I had fainting episodes. My body clock was set to eating regularly even before pregnancy. If I skipped meals I would feel faint. Now this had increased many folds. Id eat less and then vomit and then faint. I was not left alone at home and V and my MIL took very very good care of me. I used to be holed up in the bedroom when meals were being cooked. I couldn't tolerate any cooking smell.

Having studied Nutrition, I knew what a pregnant lady should have for morning sickness. I myself have suggested Toast, Biscuits, Crackers to keep the nausea down. But to each his own. I could not eat any of that, it was all too dry and irritated my throat. I had coughing fits which further aggravated the nauseating feeling.
I was losing weight, which does happen during first trimester. I had lost 5 kgs, which for the first time did not bring any happiness! Finally the nightmare ended after I completed 18 weeks of pregnancy!  Things were looking good and finally I could enjoy the "good" phase of pregnancy!

Tips: Enerzal, nimbu paani, kokam sherbat, home-made ginger candy, candied amla all helped a lot.

The Good Part during the dreaded trimester

Diwali happened to fall during my phase of morning sickness. I sadly did not eat any "faraal". I just could not get myself to eat and it did not seem appealing. Not a statement I thought I would ever make!!
I celebrated Laxmi Poojan by dressing up in a beautiful new sari and jewelry. It took my mind off of the sickness and we went out for dinner as well. I ate well! Amen!
I then got to celebrate Bhau Beej with my maternal side of the family as well. Fiftieth celebration of my uncle also happened during which I was sick throughout. But was a fun event, whatever I could enjoy of it.
Next came a business trip on which V had to go all the way to Europe! I spent the fortnight at mom's. The sad part was me n V not being together on our first anniversary!!
Since the first trimester was complete, announcements were made to close family members by mom and dad. The congratulatory messages and calls started pouring in.

Oh and I missed one event! Before the nausea had set in, I even went on a bike trip! 300 kms in one day on a bike. I got a lot of disapproving looks, nods and statements for doing this. But it was fun and V was super careful while riding!
It was quite a shock to the people who were told later. From questions ranging from "Are you nuts?" to "What were you thinking?" I had to face them all. But then Pregnancy is a phase in life, a beautiful one at that. I shouldn't stop living cause of it, right? Especially if I am taking all the necessary precautions ;-)
But then again, I know where the questions and concern comes from, so all is well!