First Baby Movement!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Feeling your baby move is one of the most incredible feelings ever. I had been told this by many friends. I could not wait to experience it. I had checked online and found that it can happen anytime between 18-22 weeks, especially if it is a Primi or first pregnany.

I had completed 19 weeks and there was no movement whatsoever. One night, I just expressed this feeling to V. And as is usual for me, while speaking about it, I ended up getting too emotional and shed a few tears. Thats all that V needed to get angry. He scolded me for reading too much and then went on to say how each pregnancy is different etc.....(he reads up too ;-), mostly to ensure that I dont get hyper or paranoid over something :-P)

Anyway, the next day, the very next day - Baby moved!!! It was 9th Dec 2014. I did not want to jump in joy the very first time I felt it. What if it was nothing but something gastric :-/ But it happened again and was quite distinct. As described by most women, it is something like bubbles bursting. But feels like heaven!!

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V got a chance to say - I told u so, it would happen when it has to. I simply told him, baby got mad at him for scolding me and hence moved :-D

The movements werent strong enough for V to feel them. But he felt it on 22nd Dec :D


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