Morning Sickness continues..Trimester 2!

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

I was in the best phase of pregnancy - the second trimester. Usually the morning sickness subsides and women start enjoying the changes happening.
If the time till now was bad it started getting worse. By week 13 I was vomiting.  I had fainting episodes. My body clock was set to eating regularly even before pregnancy. If I skipped meals I would feel faint. Now this had increased many folds. Id eat less and then vomit and then faint. I was not left alone at home and V and my MIL took very very good care of me. I used to be holed up in the bedroom when meals were being cooked. I couldn't tolerate any cooking smell.

Having studied Nutrition, I knew what a pregnant lady should have for morning sickness. I myself have suggested Toast, Biscuits, Crackers to keep the nausea down. But to each his own. I could not eat any of that, it was all too dry and irritated my throat. I had coughing fits which further aggravated the nauseating feeling.
I was losing weight, which does happen during first trimester. I had lost 5 kgs, which for the first time did not bring any happiness! Finally the nightmare ended after I completed 18 weeks of pregnancy!  Things were looking good and finally I could enjoy the "good" phase of pregnancy!

Tips: Enerzal, nimbu paani, kokam sherbat, home-made ginger candy, candied amla all helped a lot.


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